The population of the Emirates is expected to expand at a rate of 3 percent per year to exceed 12 million inhabitants in 2024, compared to the current 11 million. Especially young people and working classes are progressively developing new tastes and preferences, driving demand for processed international food products. At the same time, there is a growing frequency of eating meals outside the home as a form of socialization and entertainment. The GDP per capita of the United Arab Emirates is estimated at over 69,392 dollars (with the same purchasing power) and is among the highest in the world and significantly higher than the average of the advanced economies. As a result, the consumption of food products benefits from the high levels of wealth in the country that fuel strong import volumes as well as foreign direct investments aimed at achieving food security for the country. The United Arab Emirates is an essentially desert country, with an arid climate, scarcity of arable land and water resources and a weight of the primary sector of agriculture and fisheries of less than 1 percent of GDP. As a result, the country is forced to import about 85 percent of its food needs.
Hydroponics is a cultivation method where plants grow using nutrient solutions of minerals dissolved in water, without soil, which is replaced by an inert substrate. Which can consist of expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber, rock wool, zeolite, etc. The plant produced in the nursery, is transplanted on inert supports placed at about 60 cm from the ground, anchored to the aerial structure of the greenhouse , and is irrigated with a nutritive solution composed of water and compounds, mostly inorganic, necessary to bring all the elements essential to normal mineral nutrition. Inside the greenhouses, long rows of tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, aubergines and lettuce grow on supports spaced about one meterapart. The space needed for plant care and harvesting operations. Carbon dioxide fertilization, which combined with oxygen and nitrogen in the air accelerate and multiply photosynthesis, allowing for lush and continuous vegetation throughout the year. From each seedling two cuttings are grown, one towards the left, the other towards the right with respect to the support line. The two cuttings are made to twist with a thread that is fixed to the top of the greenhouse, at 4.5 meters high, to support them. At the apex the thread is rolled up to a skein, and as the plant grows, in the lower part it is defoliated and the fruits brought to bare, and gradually reach maturation. And as the plant grows the skein is unrolled and moved 50 cm along the thread to which it is hanging. Thus the maximum height never exceeds the height to which they are hooked, and the part in maturation is always at the same height, the easiest for collection.
Those who do the lengthening of the skein, remove the axillary thalli, the leaves in excess and also perform the calibration of the bunches, removing, shortly after the setting, the supernumerary products. In this type of cultivation the quantity of water used, for the same production, is about one tenth compared to the cultivation in soil. The environmental aspect should not be underestimated since the use of fertilizers is targeted and there are no dispersions in the soil, while the use of herbicides is absent. They do not use insecticides. But other insects, such as bees and bumblebees, that are in boxes distributed between the rows, which fight harmful insects. And where they don't come with other insects, they use baits and traps, with the basin in the picture. Otherwise, targeted interventions with the brush are made with clay-based preparations.
The essential control parameters are five:
• The first is certainly the PH. Its balance is fundamental to maintain the state of solubility of the elements and optimize the exchange processes between the roots and the nutrient solution. A PH that differs from the optimal range worsens the nutritional status of the plants due to the chemical or physiological immobilization of one or more mineral elements.
• The concentration of the nutrient solution is controlled by controlling the electrical conductivity. A low conductivity is correlated to an excessive dilution of the solution, therefore the plants are in conditions of deficient mineral nutrition.
• Flow rate, timing and dispensing cycles: Mineral nutrition control is done through the correct management of the flow rate and timing of the nutrient solution, which regulates the exchange of the solution in contact with the roots.
• With the chemical composition of the solution, the nutritional balance of the plants compared to the various nutrients, the antagonism ratios between potassium and alkaline-earth metals and the solubility of the various salts are controlled. Since the plants require different fertilization ratios in relation to the species, the type of production and the quantitative and qualitative yield ratio of the product, the composition of the solution is fundamental for achieving the objectives. For the preparation of the solutions, fertilizers with high solubility in water must be used.
• Finally we have control of temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse.
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TOTAL SUPPLY: 100.000.000


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